Monday, July 11, 2011

Solar infographic? Info-what?

Newspeak is not only Orwellian, but tedious. I tend to think it results from the lack of a disciplined English teacher in one's life.

Since I had Mrs. Wagstaff and Mrs. Tucker of Lydgate Lane Primary and Tapton Secondary, Sheffield, England, respectively, I would never feel the need to coin any such phrase. I would actually feel the edge of Mrs Wagstaff's ruler on my hand, were I to even try.

However, when a commercial solar firm emailed me a bunch of their free so-called "infographics" on spec, I did take a look, just to see whether they were any good.

I quite liked this one. And it didn't have a commercial push that I could see.

As long as you don't click on it. In which case you'll be virtually kidnapped and taken to their web page.

Don't do it!

Path to Parity: infographic on history of solar technology

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