Friday, November 20, 2015

ESS final community-based learning project assignment

All students in the Womersley Section of ESS have opted by vote to produce a survey of environmental values in Unity College students as their community-based learning project submission.

The following instructions comprise the outline for the rest of our coursework. They will take care of both assignments, and are worth fifty points total for the class. They are broken into three stages.

There are forty points available to use for the overall survey assignment. This does not include your participation, for which there are a further five points available.

Stage one: Working as individuals: Code your transcripts, and generate hypotheses (Ten points)
  1. Using all five focus group transcripts provided, use the coding technique described in class to collate statements with (per Graham) "commonalities."
  2. Cut and paste these statements into tentative groups using a word processor (MS Word or Google Docs). Give them placeholder titles.
  3. Choosing your words very carefully, reword the placeholder titles so they better reflect the overall grounded theory contained in the excerpts
  4. Generate at least three testable hypotheses on the basis of the grounded theory
  5. Get help from the instructor if you need it
  6. Provide both excerpts, grounded theory, and hypotheses in a document as your submission for twenty points
  7. Due Wednesday December 2nd
Stage two: Working as individuals: Write survey questions (Ten points)
  1. Create survey questions to test your three individual hypotheses generated above
  2. Use the resources below or similar resources to help you do this, or consult with the instructor
  3. Submit by Wednesday December 9th 

 Stage 3: Working as a group: Design a survey (Twenty points)
  1. Using the individual survey questions above, design the overall survey 
  2. Be sure to pay attention to descriptive as well as inferential statistics
  3. Again, get help if you need it
  4. Use MS Word or Google Forms. Do NOT use SurveyMonkey
  5. Submit by Friday December 11th.
  6. If using Google Forms, submit by "sharing" with the Instructor. Instructor must be able to "edit."
Final stage

I will take the results, five draft surveys, and meld them into one. We will then share our survey with the campus. I won't be able to share the results with you until after the break, but I will be sure to do so.

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