Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Unofficial first video for online GL4003, PS3003, and EC2123

I say this is the "unofficial" version because after making the video I realized I was wearing my scruffy old farm-work sweater with the hole in the elbow. But it's lambing season here on the farm and so that's how I dress. I was bottled feeding a lamb earlier and got lamb replacer all over a better sweater.

So I guess I'll have to make the video again before I post it "officially" to Canvas, wearing slightly tidier clothes!

But here you are, for all the diehards who know that the blog is still my go-to. I'm still experimenting with formats and applications, but this is an early preview of how I plan to teach online for the rest of the semester. I'm also testing how easy it is to post You-Tube to the blog, as well as how well students can access the materials via computer and/or cell phone.

I'm planning to use You Tube video-lectures much like this, as well as narrated PowerPoint slides, which will be available either in PowerPoint or YouTube versions, and various kinds of online-discussion/commentary for the participation portion of each class. The Canvas page for each course will have the official list of assignments, organized via the announcements page. If you have or get the Canvas ap for your phone, you'll be able to access all the YouTube materials on your phone, which should be a convenience to you.

Like I said, I'm just getting started here. I have the rest of the break to work this out. The official start date for the rest of the semester (week 10 through 15) is March 30th.

Watch this space for more to come, as well as via Canvas.

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