Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Finally, some academic "disruption" I could get behind: They expect tuition (before financial aid) to be $30K: "The university would pare down costs by peeling away anything that did not have to do with the classroom, like administrative overhead and cushy amenities, he said." In other words, sack all the anti-intellectual business school type administrators (that are often only there to line their own pockets and burnish their own reputations), get rid of the fancy dorms and student centers and high-dollar sports, and get back to serious inquiry about science and social issues!

"We are old school. We believe human beings think and learn better when they gather in dedicated locations, where they are, to some extent, insulated from the quotidian struggle to make ends meet, and where there is no fundamental distinction between those who teach and those who learn, beyond the extent of their knowledge and wisdom."

Makes it just a bit harder to proclaim you're at the cutting edge when all you've really done is count beans, doesn't it?


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