Sunday, November 20, 2011

Coal too expensive for Asian markets? Thank heavens for that!

Just yesterday I commented, as I often do, on one of Andy Revkin's NYT blog articles on the Australian climate bill. Andy was concerned about the large amount of coal exports from Australia to China and other Asian "tiger" economies, exports unaffected by the otherwise strong new legislation.

Also in response to the blog article, Carl Pope of the Sierra Club posted an excellent update on Chinese coal markets, well worth the read not only for its excellent content, but also for its economic and technological competence. It was too long for Andy's comment section so was re-posted on Crocodoc:

This was particularly helpful as it came along at a moment when I was (once again) beginning to feel that most environmentalists had lost the plot, technologically speaking.

This feeling overcomes me regularly when confronted with Maine's anti-wind power activists movement, and indeed with anti-energy NIMBY-ism of all kinds. I guess it's just part of the angst of our times.

Talking about angst of the times, I was remembering the early nineteen-eighties in Britain on one of my blog posts just recently, and then came across this excellent Channel Four documentary on the undeclared civil war that was fought in Britain's northern and western mining communities in 1984 and 1985. This was the conflict that, along with the Greenham Common Peace Camps, forced me out of the Royal Air Force.

Not only is it an excellent film, it also has a great eighties soundtrack.

It made me quite nostalgic.

You'll need to rent it on DVD, or buy a VPN membership.

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