Sunday, February 5, 2012

The real work in energy security and sustainability...

It bothers me a good deal when otherwise intelligent people don't get why energy security, energy efficiency, and sustainability are so important for Maine.

This NYT article explains in much better terms that I can.

For the record, what the suffering old folks described in the article need is a competent energy audit and weatherization job, followed by assiduous use of a PACE loan or some other form of finance to get their home up to a reasonable standard of energy efficiency and comfort. If planned correctly, the work will pay for itself.

There are tens of thousands of homes just like this one in Maine. Each one needs the same plan of treatment.

As a direct result of getting more and more of this kind of work done, Maine would reduce it's dependence on out-of-state resources and improve its internal economy. The US as a whole would improve its trade deficit with other countries. The federal deficit would be reduced in future years by the need for less LIHEAP and other energy emergency funding. Jobs would be created. Climate emissions would be reduced. Our ability to protect ecosystems and habitats from shifting climate conditions would be enhanced.

For these reasons, I'm proud to be involved with our state's energy efficiency and energy security programs.

And I don't understand why more people don't see the benefits.

Please read the article and think about it.

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