Thursday, October 3, 2013

ESS plenary session, partner panel line-up

IC 3413
Scenarios and Solutions
Wicked Problems


Community Partners

3 October 2013
6:30 PM


General Education
Unity College

with funding from

Maine Campus Compact
at Bates College
Northern New England
Campus Compact


sub grants program

"Although the information in this document has been funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement to Bates College, it may not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred."
IC 3413
Scenarios and Solutions
Wicked Problems


Community Partners

5:30 PM  Social hour:
                             panelists, instructors, guests

6:30 PM  Plenary Session

6:35 PM  Wicked Problems
                             Identified by Panelists

6:50 PM  Discussion:  Panelists and Audience
                             Questions, Ideas, Solutions
                             Tentative Project Proposals
                             Other Stakeholders

7:30 PM  Thanks and Summary

7:35 PM  Breakout sessions

Rick Kersbergen, University of Maine Extension Professor working from Maine Cooperative Extension Waldo County office with statewide responsibility for commercial agricultural and home horticulture, sustainable agriculture, and water quality.  Rick’s work helped influence state policy on farm water quality issues including nutrient management in agriculture.  The Kersbergen family are lake shore residents of Burnham.  Rick is also a volunteer lake monitor for Unity Pond and is current president of Friends of Lake Winnecook, the local lake association

Melissa Bastien, activist with Friends of Lake Winnecook, coordinator for the annual Loon Count sponsored by Maine Audubon Society, and local business person.  Melissa resides on the eastern shore of Unity Pond in Unity. 

Jim Perry, Executive Director, Unity Barn Raisers also represents the committee to develop a new comprehensive plan for Town of Unity.  The comprehensive planning process is just beginning and the committee hopes for significant participation by the college community. 

Paul Gregory, Environmental Specialist, Invasive Species Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, is a state resource manager responsible for exotic and invasive species.  Paul also brings expertise with aquatic plants, a topic often minimized at Unity College, but potentially of significant importance if planktonic algae might be controlled at Unity Pond and regionally.  Paul is working with the citizen science project Vital Signs to quantify local environments.

Craig King, Fisheries Specialist, Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries, MDMR, is presently working with river herring restoration in the Kennebec River Watershed.  Assignments also include restoration and endangered/threatened species management of sea run Atlantic salmon, striped bass, and sturgeon.  Craig is a Unity alum ( 2004 Fisheries) who worked on the inshore trawl surveys with MDMR, as fisheries observer with AIS, Inc, and at two salmon hatcheries in Alaska before transitioning to MDMR. 

Jonathan Carman, Superintendent, Unity Utilities District, is a Unity resident, and Unity College alumnus (1977, Environmental Science).  Jon also is manager for other municipal wastewater treatment operations in central and coastal Maine.  Campus wastewater is treated by the district at the lagoons west of Prairie Road.

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